courses in London
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in ¼ of the time

Book your residence online. We
provide confirmed bookings at the best selection of residence, youth
hostels and independent hostels in London. This site gives you all the
information you need before booking.
Click on the links below to
choose your accomodation in London. You will pay only a
13% deposit.
Goldsmiths College - Surrey House
Lewisham Way London
IES Student Residence
London, England
IES Student Residence Hall
Manresa Road
at Kings Road London
University of Westminster Halls, Alexander Flemin
Alexander Fleming London
University of Westminster Halls, Furnival House
Cholmeley Park, off Highgate Hill, London
University of Westminster Halls, International Ho
1-5 Lambeth Road London
University of Westminster Halls, Wigram
84-99 Ashley Gardens, Thirleby Road London